Tuesday, May 17, 2011


When your eyes are closed
And you dream a dream
You're just seeing how
You want life to be

It's a shadow of your tomorrow
It's a lightning look at your sorrow
Only if we could achieve our dreams
Only if we had the power to...

The power to set our thoughts free
The power to go beyond our dreams
The power to think clearly
The power to love dearly

If we only had a teardrop
That we could hold onto without a splash
Then we'd maybe see what life could be
If only our thoughts could be free

But we all are little tear drops
Defined by the places where we land up
So hard to find it in ourselves
To find a different form to beget

No you're right it is just me
Too many thoughts running carelessly
I hate definitions and equations
I love free-flowing prose and different solutions

Deep inside of me I'm a little girl
Purple, pink are my theme colours
Don't tell me yet about boundaries
I'm still a virgin thought, don't touch me..

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