I walked past him in the street many times
Never really remembered what he looked like
Never gave him a second thought as I blazed
My way past most things good and bad in life
I was happy I was sad
But mostly I was just in my own land
Never bothering to look at strangers twice
Without malice without spite
Like a butterfly on a leaf
The sun was shining
Life was sweet
And I was flitting along
Every second every week
Then one day....
Things just changed and made it so
I sat up and had to know
What it was that changed my life
And that's when
The stranger caught my eye
I'd been happy I'd been pleased
Life was special
Life was sweet
But I had been flying past it
And it was then that I just knew
I had to stop and still construe
What every second in life meant
And how beautiful it was
To become another's piece of art
The glint in someone's eye
The look you'd give up all for and die
To have the colours filled in you
Till you became life-like and oh so true
Till you'd think of nothing else
But how you missed the stranger until then
And I became complete!
You complete me!
Thank you for everything!
Words are the mirror of every soul. Even if we choose not to bare ourselves to everyone, our words are not so gracious. They share every emotion as intended, whether or not we like it. Here are some of my words... A small part of my soul..
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