Monday, May 07, 2007

Absence of the Absolute

Love never meant to explain itself to anyone. Taint seeps in when we try to explain it to ourselves, to justify or quantify it. The only source of redemption is to forgive without inhibition. However, absoluteness was a never a quality that nestled comfortably in the spectrum of human emotion.

1 comment:

Sundar said...

shallow incomplete emotions have to make way for feelings...there is a fullness in the river's flow even in a trickle and as Herman Hesse said, you never meet the same river is a fountainhead beyond realms of human perceptions, a state of being , not a transactional episode..beyond person or event dependency, it is like a river in flow, a state of being..and possibly "absolute"...even a small trickle of a river appears full..a gr8 Indian shloks, Om Poornamadha Poornamidham" says that every part of the whole is a whoel by itself..Every moment when fully experienced is whole and total by itself...

again grt express...teh comment is but a dialog in virtual space...

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